Well Foolio’s, tomorrow is the start of the 2010 NFL season…anyone else more excited than me. This is that special time of the year that some one in your league is trying pull off a blockbuster trade. He or she may have even offered a trade your way, either passed on by you or was so ridiculous that there wasn’t enough room in the comment box to tell them off proper. So this segment I am going to touch on the topic of stupid trades and the people that make them.
For example, I recently drafted in an 8 team custom scoring and custom roster slots league…I was oh so lucky to draft in spot #8…but that’s just a bitch and has no relevance. Some where around the 7th or 8th round I saw an owner type I cant believe you schmucks let A P fall to here and quickly I see him snag A Peterson….not the Vikings AP. After the draft concludes I get an email of a trade proposal, so I hurry to see who I might work a deal for. There for my delight was this for the offer
Team XXX sends A Peterson RB SEA
Team Foolio sends D Brees QB NO
A Johnson WR HOU
And the following note was attached….hurry and accept or I will trade with the other team for A Rodgers and R Mathews.
I mean who in their right mind wouldn't want AP on their roster, but just because I’m a Foolio doesn’t mean I’m a moron. I lit that asshole up with every bad thing I could type in the space provided…and still felt that this asshole is gonna punk somebody that’s just looking at the name not the player. So I posted to that leagues message board but I was to late. He found a sucker and scored R Grant and T Brady for his 31 year old RB named A Peterson. I had to laugh but it wasn’t really funny. So if it looks to good to be true…it ALWAYS is.
It is also quite bizarre to draft a team and make a trade of your 1-2 or 1-3 picks right away within 10 minutes of the draft…but I guess for the real AP it was almost a good trade (lol) but to get his alter ego non playing slacker….that would be enough to make me want to find this jerk offs house and thank him personally a few times before the cops arrived.
Foolios are NOT morons…just a select group of hardcore fanatics with one common goal…and that is to win that damn gold cyber trophy and add it to the others in your collection that you never have to dust!
So be careful as you dive into the waiver pool and or make that unbelievable blockbuster trade. Maybe the dude making the offer has his own covert agenda and really doesn’t care if he ruins your team for his pleasure.
*If there is a topic you would like ranted on leave a message in the replies and I’ll tackle each one received.
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